The Cabrini Health Medical Imaging Department is a multi-modality imaging centre located in Malvern, Victoria (Australia). The centre consists of MRI, CT, Angiography, Ultrasound, Nuclear Medicine, Bone Densitometry and general X-ray departments, and performs over 100,000 patient procedures per year.
The Challenge
All the patients who come to the Malvern centre arrive at the busy reception area, which is serviced by five counters. Upon arrival, the patients were required to stand in a queue. As many of the patients attending the department are elderly, frail or in pain, a solution was needed to eliminate the standing queues entirely.
The Solution
Many of Cabrini Health’s patients are already familiar with Q-nomy's Q-Flow queue management solution, as it is used in Medicare Australia offices throughout the country. It was therefore a natural choice to implement Q-Flow within the Cabrini Health Medical Imaging Department. NEXA Group Pty Limited, Q-nomy's VAR in Australia, delivered the solution.
A touch screen ticket kiosk was installed in the reception area, allowing patients to register themselves in a virtual queue. The take a number kiosk prints each patient a ticket with a unique identification number and directs them to take a seat in the waiting area.
To call the patients to the counter, four displays and ceiling speakers announce when the patient is to be seen by the nursing staff.

The Results
Since the Q-Flow queue management solution has been installed, the waiting area has become a more peaceful place. The unsightly queue has disappeared and patients can sit in comfort whilst they wait, rather than standing. The noise level has also been greatly reduced, as staff no longer need to call out for patients to approach the counters.
The ability to monitor service levels in real time empowers staff to manage the waiting area in a pro-active manner, ensuring queue levels are kept to a minimum.
Marion Sitter, Manager – Medical Imaging: “The Q-Flow solution has not only helped us to improve our level of customer service, but the reporting capabilities really allow us to manage agent and branch efficiencies”